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Israel's Annexation Plan

Israel's President Benjamin Netanyahu has announced Annexation plan for almost 30% of area of West Bank. As it was his election campaign to annex West Bank's area.

Historical Background

Before and during world wars Jews were prosecuted and discriminated in various parts of Europe. During World wars, Jews started migrating towards Palestine, considering it as their hometown. As Bristish promised in 1917 under Balfour declaration to give homeland to Jews in Palestine. Then Jews started buying land from Arabs and starts settling there, as Jewish settlements. British handover this Jews Palestine conflict to UN in 1947.

  • UN Recommendations: UN decided to divide Palestine into two countries as: Israel and Palestine with their majority of population area into equal parts. Jerusalem remain disputed, and it come under International control. As its half population was muslim and another half were Jews.
  • Arab-Israel war 1948-49: Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Trans Jordan attacked Israel. Israel defend itself and extended its boundaries. Then Palestine didn't existed any more, as Gaza was captured by Egypt and West Bank was captured by Jordan.
  • Six days war 1967: Egypt, Jordan and Syria attacked Israel. Israel captured Golan heights, Gaza, Sinai Peninsula and West Bank. Israel tripled its area.
  • 1973 Yom Kippur War: Egypt and Syria tried to recapture their territories. Initially Israel suffered losses but Israel retaliated strongly and brought Egypt for talks. Camp David Accord 1978, Sinai was returned to Egypt and Egypt recognized Israel.
  • Palestine Liberation Organization(PLO) continued struggle for independent Palestine. 
  • Oslo Accords 1993: it was signed between Israel and Plaestine Liberation Organization (PLO). PLO recognized Israel as a Country and Israel agreed for Palestine Authority for self governance in Gaza and West Bank. West Bank is controlled by Fatah Group- the moderates and Gaza is controlled by Hamaz Group- the extremists.

Israel's Plan for West Bank

At present, West Bank is militarily controlled by Israel. Now, Israel's President Benjamin Netanyahu announced Annexation plan for Jordan Valley of West Bank and some other areas of West Bank. Israel's population started settling in West Bank as Israel settlements and occupying territory of West Bank. Israel is now openly backed by USA. According to Israel, it wants to protect its borders from Jordan valley. As many Arab wars were fought from this region. Moreover, Israel is water scarce country. So, they want control over the Jordan river for water security. 

If Israel got full control over Jordan valley, then this will be of great concern for future Palestine country if ever made. As, Jordan valley is water rich area and suitable for agriculture. Without Jordan valley Palestine have to be fully dependent on Israel.

International community's Response 

  • UN opposed this plan, as this is illegal according to UN and it violate Human rights in West Bank
  • USA is strongly in favor of this annexation plan. USA support Israel on this Annexation proposal.
  • India from the past have focused on two nation theory for Israel and Palestine. Now India's foreign policy is tilted towards Israel. India should make proper balance in diplomatic relations and make its decision accordingly. 


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