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Militarization of Indian Ocean

Recent development: Islamic Revolutionary Gaurd corps( IRGC), which is a elite group of Iranian army, plans to set up a permanent base in Indian Ocean region. Indian ocean is third largest ocean in the world and due to its strategic and economic importance various countries try to control it. There are various exit and entry points in Indian ocean like strait of Mallaca, strait of Hormuz and Bab al Mandeb,so by choking these points anyone can control trade through Indian Ocean. So due to these reasons various countries had started the militrasition of Indian Ocean like USA and France since mid of twentieth century. Major military bases in Indian Ocean: Diego Garcia: this is a military base of USA since 1970. USA had taken this on lease from UK.   Reunion island : this is overseas territory of France so france use it as a military base. Djibouti: since 2017 djibouti is acting as military base for chinese PLA. By the way Djibouti is a military base for many other countrie

Cold War 2.0

The Cold War was an era during which there were geopolitical tensions between USA and USSR, where both the countries tried to prove themselves better and compete with each other in various aspects. Now, a new type of Cold War has began between USA and China. Now it's a period of 4th Industrial revolution, it's Industrial revolution of technology. Cold War is not direct war between nations. Previous Cold War Earlier, the Cold War was between USA and USSR. There was distrust between these two nations. There was not actual War between these nations as both the countries are nuclear-powered, it makes deterrence to actual War. But there were proxy wars between them. The main reasons for this Cold War were ideological differences and arms race. The Characteristics of Cold War were: Ideological differences: Capitalism vs Communism Political distrust between USA and USSR Arms race: High military spending  Espionage  Space Race: who will develop more in space explora

Israel's Annexation Plan

Israel's President Benjamin Netanyahu has announced Annexation plan for almost 30% of area of West Bank. As it was his election campaign to annex West Bank's area. Historical Background Before and during world wars Jews were prosecuted and discriminated in various parts of Europe. During World wars, Jews started migrating towards Palestine, considering it as their hometown. As Bristish promised in 1917 under Balfour declaration to give homeland to Jews in Palestine. Then Jews started buying land from Arabs and starts settling there, as Jewish settlements. British handover this Jews Palestine conflict to UN in 1947. UN Recommendations: UN decided to divide Palestine into two countries as: Israel and Palestine with their majority of population area into equal parts. Jerusalem remain disputed, and it come under International control. As its half population was muslim and another half were Jews. Arab-Israel war 1948-49: Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Trans Jordan attacked Israe