This year,in March, Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change(MoEFCC) had issued a draft Environment Impact Assesment(EIA) notification,2020. If this notification come into force then it will replace EIA notification of 2006. According to experts there are various flaws in this notification, which will erode the basic notion behind environment impact assessment.
Environment Impact Assesment is a tool which is used to anticipate the likely impact of any developmental project on environment and helps us by suggesting measures. EIA helps in maintaining balance between economic growth and environment conservation. EIA was introduced in India in 1978 to anticipate the environmental impact of river valley projects.
Then in 1994 EIA notification was introduced under the provision of Environment(Protection) act, 1986. In 2006 new draft notification superceded the notification of 1994.
To understand the flaws in new draft notification of 2020, first understand the procedure established by EIA, 2006 for environment impact assessment.
EIA Notification, 2006:
- This notification divide the developmental projects into various categories according to their impacts on area
- Projects are categorized as Category A and B.
- Environmental clearances in category A project is given by Expert Appraisal Committee(EAC) which is under Ministry of Environment Forest(MoEF).
- Further category B projects are categorized by B1 and B2.
- Environmental clearance in project B1 is given by State Level Expert Appraisal committee( SLEAC).
- B2 category projects are exempted from environment impact assesment.
So basically responsiblity of conducting this assesment exercise lies with project's investor. He needs to hire some professionals and prepare a report on environment impact assesment. According to categorization of project, clearance is given by Expert Appraisal Committee.
Concern with new Draft Environment Impact Assesment Notification,2020:
- Ex- post facto clearance: If this notification will come into effect then industries, which are now operating without enviroment clearance even in Ecologically sensitive zone(ESZ), by paying some fine to government will be able to operate in this zone. So this is basically the way to legalise the industries which are illegally operating in ESZ.
- Shortens the time: This new notification will reduce the time period for locals to response with respect to project when comes into effect. Most of these activities are conducted in forest area but due to decrease in time period tribal people would not be able to understand the issue regarding project and would be the major sufferers.
- Compliance Monitoring report: According to previous notification of 2006 industries should submit a compliance monitoring report to environment ministy after every 6 months. Compliance monitoring report shows that company follow all the rules and regulations made by enviroment Ministry. New notification will increase time period by 1 year when come into effect. If industries fails to maintain rules and regulations the previous notification could stop them within 6 month but if new notification could pass then government will not be able to stop them before one year.
- Involving other strategic considerations: Projects of defence and national security are completely exempted from previous environment impact assessment notification of 2006 but if new notification could come into effect then government will be able to introduce new projects in this category of strategic consideration, so then public consultation requirement can not be taken up.
Way forward:
Government should focus on sustainable development. Our environment is continously depleting day by day so government should make stringent law for environment conservation rather than diluting the laws by introducing such notification.
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